Saturday, August 12, 2006

Stupid Duck

If you're not familiar with the comic strip Mallard Fillmore, you're not missing much. It's a conservative strip that takes shots at teachers, liberals, and the dreaded mainstream media. More importantly, it's not the least bit funny. What made me spit out my coffee, though, was the August 12 strip, which claims that "the costs of operating the tax system eat up an estimated 65% of every tax dollar collected from us." Let's think about that for a second. If every tax dollar collected from us taxpayers pays for the running the government, that means that the budget for ONE government agency, the IRS, is 65% of the total budget.

While composing this post, I was looking for James Payne's article that author Bruce Tinsley cites. I couldn't find it, but I did find this. Apparently, this strip is a repeat from April, and the author says pretty much the same thing I just said, and titled his post similarly. File it under "accidental plagiarism."

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Cynthia McKinney

I was reading Cynthia McKinney's political (about damn time) obituary when I got to this quote and laughed out loud:

"Cynthia McKinney is loved nationally, locally and internationally," said State Rep. Tyrone Brooks of Atlanta, president of the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials. "I expect her to move to the international scene, especially as it relates to peace, justice and environmental issues. This is going to elevate her to another level."

That shows a distance from reality that is truly mind-boggling. I'm not sure which part of that made me laugh harder, her being loved nationally, locally and internationally or her moving on to the international scene especially as it relates to peace. Wow.