Monday, January 29, 2007

The things you can bet on

In case anyone was curious about the latest odds for the 2008 Presidential election...

Al Gore 3-1

Al Sharpton 1000-1

Alan Keyes 750-1

Alberto Gonzales 75-1

Arnold Schwarzenegger 250-1

Barack Obama 6-1

Bill Clinton 300-1

Bill Frist 100-1

Bill Maher 2500-1

Bill OReilly 750-1

Bill Owens 50-1

Bill Richardson 12-1

Bob Ehrlich 75-1

Bob Graham 150-1

Bob Kerrey 50-1

Charles Schumer 75-1

Chris Dodd 50-1

Chuck Hagel 22-1

Clint Eastwood 750-1

Colin Powell 25-1

Condoleezza Rice 30-1

David Shannon 150-1

Dennis Kucinich 200-1

Dick Cheney 75-1

Dick Gephardt 75-1

Donald Rumsfeld 2000-1

Donald Trump 2500-1

Elizabeth Dole 750-1

Evan Bayh 20-1

Gary Locke 70-1

George Allen Jr 10-1

George Pataki 50-1

George W Bush 200-1

Harold Ford Jr 75-1

Hillary Clinton 1-1

Howard Dean 75-1

Jack Kemp 75-1

James Carville 1000-1

Jay Rockefeller 100-1

Jeb Bush 100-1

Jesse Jackson 200-1

Jesse Ventura 1000-1

Joe Biden 30-1

Joe Lieberman 150-1

John Ashcroft 1500-1

John Edwards 8-1

John Kerry 50-1

John McCain 3-1

Laura Bush 1000-1

Mark Warner 15-1

Michael Bloomberg 150-1

Michael Moore 7500-1

Mike Gravel 50-1

Mike Huckabee 20-1

Mitt Romney 10-1

Newt Gingrich 40-1

Pat Robertson 2000-1

Paul Bremmer 150-1

Paul Wolfowitz 750-1

Ralph Nader 100-1

Rick Santorum 50-1

Rudy Giuliani 10-1

Russ Feingold 40-1

Sam Brownback 10-1

Ted Kennedy 750-1

Tom Daschle 50-1

Tom Ridge 50-1

Tom Tancredo 50-1

Tom Vilsack 40-1

Tommy Franks 200-1

Wesley Clark 20-1

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Habeas Corpus

I can't say it any better than Stephen Colbert:

Dianne Feinstein tells me to drop dead

One of the issues that's big in Silicon Valley is the 49ers planned move to Santa Clara (they would be about 15 minutes from my house). Sen. Dianne Feinstein has been negotiating to keep them in San Francisco. Many people, including myself, wondered why a senator who represents the ENTIRE state would intervene on behalf of one city over another. I wrote her an email to that effect (which unfortunately I didn't save) basically asking her why she's spending her time on this when in fact the move would benefit many of her constituents (including myself) and shouldn't she be spending her time working on behalf of all the citizens and not favoring one group over another?

So here is her response:

Thank you for writing to me about my involvement in the
matter of the 49ers leaving San Francisco. I appreciate the
opportunity to respond.

I have read your letter and first would like you to know that
I spend virtually all of my time on matters concerning California
and our nation. However, I am also a 49ers fan and was Mayor of
San Francisco for nine years, during which I negotiated with the
organization on several matters. I would very much like to see
them remain in the City of San Francisco.

Again, thank you for writing. Should you have any
additional concerns or comments, I hope that you will contact me
again. You can always reach my Washington, DC staff at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Heckling the President

So you're in the audience at the President's State of the Union Address. At what point do you heckle him? Here's mine:

Bush: "...we must remember that the best healthcare decisions are made not by government and insurance companies, but by patients and their doctors."

Bush: "...Five years ago, we rose above partisan differences to pass the No Child Left Behind Act – preserving local control, raising standards in public schools, and holding those schools accountable for results. And because we acted, students are performing better in reading and math, and minority students are closing the achievement gap."

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bush's last day

Anyone looking for gift ideas for my birthday or Christmas can go here.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Stephen Colbert cracks me up...

I know this is from last year, but I just saw it again and it still kills me... here he's interviewing Congressman Lynn Westmoreland...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Get Over It

From AP: There were furious denunciations in the General Assembly after a Virginia legislator stated that black people "should get over" slavery.

Hanover Delegate Frank Hargrove made the comment about slavery in an interview published Tuesday in The Daily Progress of Charlottesville.

In the same interview about whether the state should apologize to the descendants of slaves, Hargrove wondered aloud whether Jews should "apologize for killing Christ."

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tucker Carlson is a d*ck

Of course that's old news. Anyway, apparently Tucker took umbrage with a blogger who blogged about his encounter with him at a video store. Tucker went back to the store and this exchange took place:

Tucker: If you keep this shit up, I will fucking destroy you.
Blogger: Whoah, perhaps you would like to take this outside where you can continue threatening me without disturbing the other customers.
Tucker: *Looks out the window, then back at me* I am not threatening you.
Blogger: You just said you would fucking destroy me.
Tucker: No, I didn't.

You can read about the encounter here.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It just keeps getting better...

From the Washington Post:

MOST AMERICANS understand that legal representation for the accused is one of the core principles of the American way. Not, it seems, Cully Stimson, deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee affairs. In a repellent interview yesterday with Federal News Radio, Mr. Stimson brought up, unprompted, the number of major U.S. law firms that have helped represent detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

"Actually you know I think the news story that you're really going to start seeing in the next couple of weeks is this: As a result of a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request through a major news organization, somebody asked, 'Who are the lawyers around this country representing detainees down there,' and you know what, it's shocking," he said.

Mr. Stimson proceeded to reel off the names of these firms, adding, "I think, quite honestly, when corporate CEOs see that those firms are representing the very terrorists who hit their bottom line back in 2001, those CEOs are going to make those law firms choose between representing terrorists or representing reputable firms, and I think that is going to have major play in the next few weeks. And we want to watch that play out."

Asked who was paying the firms, Mr. Stimson hinted of dark doings. "It's not clear, is it?" he said. "Some will maintain that they are doing it out of the goodness of their heart, that they're doing it pro bono, and I suspect they are; others are receiving monies from who knows where, and I'd be curious to have them explain that."

It might be only laughable that Mr. Stimson, during the interview, called Guantanamo "certainly, probably, the most transparent and open location in the world."

But it's offensive -- shocking, to use his word -- that Mr. Stimson, a lawyer, would argue that law firms are doing anything other than upholding the highest ethical traditions of the bar by taking on the most unpopular of defendants. It's shocking that he would seemingly encourage the firms' corporate clients to pressure them to drop this work. And it's shocking -- though perhaps not surprising -- that this is the person the administration has chosen to oversee detainee policy at Guantanamo.

More Disney/ABC/KSFO

KSFO radio did a "special" 3-hour show yesterday with a couple of goals:

1. Tell everyone why left-wing bloggers are *ssholes
2. Try to save their advertising base

Regarding #2, they seem to be failing. If you look at their advertisers' page, you'll see it is now their advertiser's page. They had 10 - 15, they now have one.

This all started because a blogger who calls himself "Spocko" started sending audio clips of some of the KSFO personalities greatest hits (you can get some of those from the youtube clip posted previously) to KSFO advertisers asking them if they really wanted their brand associated with hate speech. Apparently this was effective because ABC/Disney sent Spocko's hosting service a cease and desist letter, claiming the audio snippets were a "clear violation" of copyright laws. Apparently they've never heard of "fair use".

There are many many reviews of the show, I'll link to some of those below. What really struck me in listening to it is:

1. They don't see the hypocrisy in slamming left wing bloggers for allegedly trying to censor them while their parent company threatens to sue a blogger over protected speech

2. They believe that the Constitution gives them first amendment protection to receive advertising dollars, because no one is actually trying to force them to stop talking, just pointing out to KSFO's advertisers that their ad dollars might be better spent elsewhere.

Links to online commentary:

San Francisco Chronicle
Sinfonian's Live blogging of the show
Media Matters' Hate-Free Petition

Thursday, January 11, 2007

ABC/Disney sucks

You can read the SF Chronicle article about the war between KSFO and a blogger named "Spocko".