Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Michael Brown, "confused". Who knew?

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

"As Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans on Aug. 29, Michael Brown, then director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, appeared confused over whether Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff had put him in charge, senior military officials could not reach Brown, and his team became swamped by the speed of the unfolding disaster, according to e-mails to and from Brown.

The e-mails also show that the government's response plan, two years in the making, began breaking down even before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Before the storm made landfall, Brown's deputy chief of staff, Brooks Altshuler, said White House pressure to form an interagency crisis management group was irrelevant, even though a task force and principal federal officer are key parts of the plan.

"Let them play their raindeer (sic) games as long as they are not turning around and tasking us with their stupid questions. None of them have (sic) a clue about emergency management," Altshuler told Brown and Brown's chief of staff, Patrick Rhode."

What a tool.


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