Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Like Father, Like Son

I'm reading Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany and Winning the Great War at Sea by Robert Massie, chronicling the Naval History of WW1. It's a follow-up to Dreadnought by the same author that chronicles the naval build-up by Germany and Britain in the decades leading up to WW1. I'm at the chapter on Gallipoli, and there's an extensive footnote on an Australian war correspondent, Keith Arthur Murdoch, who -- according to the author -- sent false and malicious lies about the conduct of British troops at Gallipoli to the Australian Prime Minister, i.e. "British officers ordered their men to shoot any British troops who lagged behind or loitered in advance".

I'm reading this, and I'm wondering if this slimeball is any relation to another Murdoch we know and love who does so much for "respectable journalism" over at Fox News. Then, at the end of the footnote is this sentence:

"Interestingly, Keith Murdoch's son, Rupert, was one of the film's (Gallipoli) principal financial backers." Posted by Hello


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