Friday, December 31, 2004


Adrienne and I saw Sideways today. Mom and Dad had told us we had to see it and that, "we wouldn't believe how these people talked about wine". Sadly, not only do we believe it, we could've have written the stuff that came out of Paul Giamatti's mouth. When they first met Sandra Oh and she offers up some Cabernet Franc, I'm thinking "Cab Franc sucks". Then Paul Giamatti's character rags on it ... I died.

When the four of them were out to dinner for the first time and they kept offering up really good wines (Sea Smoke, Kistler...) I just kept thinking, "That's $500 just in wine they ordered, how the hell are they going to pay for that?" Coincidentally, the Sea Smoke Botella Pinot Noir they poured was the same wine Adrienne and I had when were were down in Santa Maria in September. If you find that wine you should buy it...

Also, Virginia Madsen's character worked at the Hitching Post. I haven't eaten there but we do have some of their wine.

I could tell the movie was filmed in 2003 (not a great stretch since it was released in 2004) because toward the end of the film when they pulled into the Unocal Station, you could see the Nascar tie-in with Unocal was still going on. That ended at the end of 2003.

It was a fun movie and fun to see places we've been. I can't believe I sound as pretentious as Paul Giamatti's character...
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