Thursday, September 30, 2004

My Letter to Joan Ryan

I write letters. Joan Ryan (a great writer) of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote an article about defending George Bush. I had to respond. Here's my letter:

Ms. Ryan:
I also am a Democrat who hopes, quite fervently, for George Bush's defeat in November. And I (reluctantly) agree with you that George Bush isn't evil. But I take exception to your use of the word "misguided" to describe George Bush. According to, "Misguided" means:

Based or acting on error; misled: well-intentioned but misguided efforts; misguided do-gooders.

I don't believe for a moment his efforts are "well-intentioned". And "do-gooder?" Please, I think not. Perhaps if you substitute "self-serving" for "misguided". That would leave your description of Bush as, "self-serving, wrong-headed, narrow-minded, yes. Evil, no". I think that is a more accurate description. Or we could just my description, "that (obscene gerund) (expletive) Bush". Up to you.

Dave Shannon
San Jose, Ca


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